Breyttu sjónvarpinu í upplýsingaskilti
Signital er þróað af íslensku hugviti sem gerir þér kleyft að tengja saman upplýsingaskjái fyrirtækisins á einfaldan máta, birtu hvað sem er hvenær sem er, hvernig sem er.
Based on 1.200+ reviews
Einföld og hröð uppsetning á hvaða skjá sem er
Birtu efni á upplýsingaskjám með vafra, Android eða Tizen snjallforritin okkar sem hægt er að setja upp á skjánum.
Aðeins er greitt fyrir hvern skjá
Bættu eða breyttu skjám eftir þínum þörfum.
Fullkomin efnisstýring
Birtu og stýrðu efni eftir skjá, tíma dags og fjölda annara breyta. Veldu úr fjölda efnisveita og uppsetninga. Þú getur einnig skipt einum skjá í nokkur hólf og birt mismunandi efni á einum skjá.
Signital hentar öllum aðstæðum
Signital is perfect for enhancing experiences, promotions in shops, informing passengers, and engaging students. Its simplicity makes it ideal for any environment.
Aðeins er greitt fyrir notkun
per skjá /mán
+ vsk
Fullkomið fyrir lítil fyrirtæki sem þurfa stafræna lausn sem er auðveld í notkun.
- Fjöldi tenginga
- Ótakmarkaðir notendur
- Email aðstoð
Tailored for large organizations requiring special solutions or integrations.
Fyrir fyrirtæki með yfir 20 skjái
- Allt í Basic
- Enterprise stuðningur
Discover the Power of Signital
Unlock the full potential of your digital signage with Signital’s features.
Comprehensive File Support
Signital supports a wide range of file types, including PNG, JPG, WEBP, GIF, MP4, and MOV, up to 100MB.
Widgets and Integrations
Enhance your displays with our 13 widgets that connect to various services and programs.
Versatile Playlists
Add widgets, images, and videos, and set schedules for what content to show and for how long.
Channels Management
Display content at specific times and dates with our Channels feature. Create shared channels, assign displays, and set up playlists.
Display Management
Add and manage displays easily. create unique playlists or channels for each screen, or use shared playlists and channels.
Dynamic Dashboard
Live overview of all your, channels, playlists and displays, including their locations on a map.
Organize your screens by creating and naming locations, complete with time zone settings for precise scheduling.
Custom CDN
Enhance the delivery speed and reliability of your content with our custom CDN service.
Display any Media with Signital
With Signital, you have the flexibility to display a wide range of media types, making it easy to create visually engaging content for any purpose.
Image, Video and Audio Files
Showcase high-quality images and videos, including formats like PNG, JPG, MP4, and MOV. Perfect for promotional content, product showcases, and eye-catching visuals that keep viewers engaged.
Document Files
Present important documents, such as schedules, menus, or event programs, directly on your displays with PDF support. Ideal for sharing detailed information in an easy-to-read format.
Web Pages
Link and display live webpages directly on your screens. Keep your content up-to-date by displaying webpages that feature real-time information like news, stock updates, or live feeds.
Broad Platform Support for Flexible Display Options
Display Your Content Anywhere with Signital.
Signital is designed to work seamlessly across a wide range of platforms and devices, allowing you to reach your audience on virtually any screen. Supported platforms include:
- Google Play Store
- Fire TV
- Signital app on Tizen
- TVs with a web browser
- Raspberry Pi
- BrightSign players
- Other digital signage players with browser support